Saturday, December 9, 2006


In the end of january we are going to arange an concert somewhere in south of Sweden whit 3 or 4 swedish ns ands and some garageband who is on their way up.
We has already rent a place for this activited!
this project will be whit our comrades in Swdish skinhead´s. we will send out more info when the time is here for this concert

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The swedish division

Now we are members of ToT in 5-6 cities in sweden and we are just growing,Stockholm,Gävle,skutskär, malmö, boden, Kalix,and we are expanding all over our nation and i hope we will get bigger for everyday that past.

We are the future we are those who march in the front lines

9th of decemeber

This date is ther 2 action that is important that we all are a part of, both Salem and Free the order action is important that we never forgettts or never forgives,
march whit us and do your duty for folk and nation and be a part of the restistance!